Pubg pc spec
Pubg pc spec

  1. Pubg pc spec how to#
  2. Pubg pc spec windows 8.1#
  3. Pubg pc spec Pc#

Step 1: Click this link to the test website. In this case, making a PUBG system requirements test is helpful for you. But sometimes some of you cannot confirm whether PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds can run on the computer although you check the system specs. Share them with your friends if you want.” Click to tweet PUBG System Requirements TestĪfter checking the information on your PC, you know if you can run PUBG on your PC.

Pubg pc spec Pc#

“What are PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds PC requirements? Here is all the information about the minimum requirements and PUBG recommended specs.

Pubg pc spec how to#

To learn more, you can refer to this post - How to Check PC Full Specs Windows 10 in 5 Ways. Tip: In addition, there are many ways for you to check the PC specifications. Step 4: Go to the Display tab, you can know some information on your graphics card. Step 3: In the pop-up window, you can see the information of the operating system, processor, memory and DirectX version. Step 2: Type dxdiag to the text box and click OK. Step 1: Press the Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time to launch the Run window. Follow these instructions below to check: How to Check the Basic Specifications of Your PC?Īfter learning PUBG PC requirements including the minimum and recommended requirements, what you should do is to check the basic specs of your PC if you don’t know them. With this PC build (Windows 10), the average FPS can reach 60-80, the maximum can be around 100 and the minimum can be 45 during intense fights. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4 GB.Processor: Intel Core i5-6600k / AMD Ryzen 5 1600.

Pubg pc spec windows 8.1#

  • Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
  • pubg pc spec

    To reach 60 FPS or better in the game, we list the PUBG recommended PC requirements, as shown below. PUBG Recommended SpecsĪs you all know, it is never the ideal way to play a game with a computer that just meets its minimum system requirements and PUBG is no exception. Although you can run PUBG, the user experience may not be good. But it can drop to 25 to 30 FPS during the intense game process. Usually, the average FPS can reach 40 to 50 when playing PUBG under the minimum PC requirements. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB or AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB.Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 or AMD FX-6300.Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

    pubg pc spec

    According to Steam, the following are the minimum requirements: If you want to run PUBG on a budget, what you need do is to make sure the computer hits the minimum system requirements. In this part, we will show you the minimum requirements and PUBG recommended specs in detail. So, what are PUBG PC requirements? Now, you should know much knowledge after reading the following contents. Well then, here comes a question from you: can I run PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds on my PC? The answer is – if your PC satisfies the PUBG requirements, you can run this game on it. Perhaps you are also one of the persons who want to enjoy this game on your PC. Since the release of PUBG, it is well received by many users.

    pubg pc spec

    Players can enter the match with a solo, duo or a small team of four persons and the last team or person alive wins the game. In the game, 100 players fight against each other in a struggle for survival. PUBG, short for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, is an online multiplayer battle shooter game.

    pubg pc spec

    PUBG Mobile Emulator System Requirements.What to Do in Case of Dissatisfying PUBG PC Requirements.How to Check the Basic Specifications of Your PC?.

    Pubg pc spec